Welcome to MMPT

Are you here to rehab a nagging injury, resolve pain, restore mobility post-surgery, recover from an accident, or to improve your overall health and function? You have come to the right place! Mountain Man PT was founded on the principle that all patients deserve one-on-one care by a licensed Physical Therapy. This standard of care and the beautiful setting in which the rehabilitation takes place is unmatched in the region. Our goal is to provide you with the best experience you have ever had in PT. We will not only address your injury, but also teach you the Mountain Man Method TM—our breakthrough process of restoring mobility throughout the body, regaining function, and maximizing athletic performance for those looking to break boundaries. Our goals for you go way beyond symptom management: We aim to target the source of dysfunction and assist your body in healing when it is unable to do so on its own.

The miraculous ability to heal injuries through manipulating the tissues has been understood for hundreds of years, however currently there are very few health care practitioners that understand, recognize, or know how to resolve trigger points and fully restore lost function. Without directly addressing trigger points, patients are likely to experience a superficial rehab at best, as even with a perfect exercise routine, large sections of muscle no longer take part in the contract-release cycle. Loss of performance and function is often blamed on reasons such as “normal age-related changes” but this is rarely the case. Considering all the dysfunction trigger points are known to cause, why do most healthcare practitioners neglect to manipulate and treat the muscles? Why do doctors prescribe medication, braces, joint replacements, and surgeries that will permanently change the body instead of directly addressing the trigger points known to mimic so many conditions when they are present? The answer is complex, but what is not complex is treating what is in front of us. While trigger point therapy has been around in some form for centuries, development of the intervention has been stagnant and neglected during recent decades. Dry needling (a form of trigger point therapy) has gained momentum; however, it tends to be very uncomfortable, carries risks such as infection, and cannot be performed at home by the patient. On top of that, access to practitioners who perform dry-needling at a high level are few-and-far between as many practioners take weekend courses to gain certification. Through realization of the shortcomings of our medical system, the Mountain Man MethodTM was born. Its sole purpose is to restore lost function that is often considered normal as we age, while giving patients with no medical background the skills to heal themselves and avoid the need for PT in the future. Even when MRIs reveal labrum tears, discs herniations, arthritic changes, and other commonly seen defects, patients at Mountain Man PT frequently surpass their pre-injury level of function. Injuries that are problematic for conventional PT are often remarkably simple to rehab—so simple that motivated patients with no medical background frequently gain the ability to fix many common injuries and perform required maintenance that addresses injuries before they happen.

Discovery why so many people fly in from around the country to receive treatment and training according to the Mountain Man Method.

Welcome to MMPT Home of the Mountain Man Method

The Mountain Man method has been developed and fine-tuned over the past 8 years through research, case studies, and closely observing the effectiveness of each technique implemented at MMPT. Let’s start with the MUSCLES—and more specifically, TRIGGER POINTS--which are responsible for over 90% of all pain and dysfunction typically seen at Mountain Man PT. Trigger points, also known as muscle strains, muscle pulls, and knots, are sections of muscle that are locked in contraction and no longer work. They restrict movement, limit strength, create pain, mimic nerve/joint symptoms, and can cause problems such as nausea, abdominal bloating, hearing loss, headaches, dry eyes, numbness, and thousands of other symptoms.

Therapy Services

Personalized physical therapy in a serene, meditative environment.

a laptop computer sitting on top of a wooden table
a laptop computer sitting on top of a wooden table
Manual Therapy

Focused interventions for restoring functional movement patterns.

a laptop computer sitting on top of a wooden table
a laptop computer sitting on top of a wooden table
person holding black knit cap
person holding black knit cap
a woman standing in front of a desk with a laptop
a woman standing in front of a desk with a laptop
Functional Movement

Expert guidance to enhance your daily activities and performance.